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What went wrong in Winx Club Season 8?

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Hi winxers! The other day I saw that Rainbow was planning to cancel Winx Club FOREVER because of the low audience for Season 8 in Italy, and that Rainbow thinks that Winx Club can no longer generate benefits for the company, something totally WRONG. And after a couple of weeks researching and thinking about the reasons for the low audience of Winx Club 8 in Italy I have come up with several answers.

I ask you please to spread it so that Rainbow reads this article and can open her eyes, thus avoiding that she ends the saga that has generated the most income until 2018.

What I'm going to do is say all the mistakes Rainbow has made with Season 8 that have caused a low audience, and before you go any further: NO, THE PROBLEM IS DEFINITELY NOT THE NEW CHARACTER DESIGN!

The mistake that has driven Season 8 the most towards bankruptcy has been the development of the missions and adventures of the Winx.

You will say, "Why? If most missions have action and entertainment again."

And it's true, most of the missions this season are very elaborate, they have action, they combine fighting with friendship, teamwork, love ... And they are very entertaining! But the problem that Rainbow has committed has been developing a mission in 2 episodes or more.

Honestly, after saying that they wanted to adapt the series to new audiences, I was very surprised that they made that mistake, because a person who does not know Winx Club, if he turns on the TV and sees that they are broadcasting episode 9, is not going to be able to get hooked on the series because you will not understand ANYTHING of what happens if you have not seen Episode 8 before.

The same happens with Chapter 3, that if you have not seen 8x02 before, you will not be able to understand what happens. And it's a shame, since episode 3 has one of the best battles of Season 8, but because of the dependency it has with episode 2, it loses a lot.

This type of missions that take place in 2 episodes or more can not only be seen here, it is also present in episodes 4, 5, 6 and 7, in which the mission of Peripla and Prometia is present during 4 chapters; in 8x12 and 8x13 (Although this would not consider it entirely a mistake, since being the end of the first part of Season 8, it is a VERY GOOD STRATEGY to create tension. Although I would have told Rai Yo-Yo to issue the 2 episodes together like it was a 40 minute special. In fact Miraculous did that with the Season 2 finale and hugely increased the audience)

Virtually Rainbow made ALMOST ALL of the Season 8 MISSIONS happen in 2 EPISODES OR MORE, and that's a HUGE MISTAKE.

You used that strategy with Season 7 and it didn't work. Why use something that hasn't helped you again?

The only adventure that SHOULD be developed in 2 episodes was the final battle, and HE TOLD IT IN 1 EPISODE! WHY RAINBOW, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?

Rainbow should have done the most episodic missions, that is, it begins and ends in the same episode, without lengthening it to another chapter. In fact Rainbow does it with 44 Cats, her new success, and she did it before in Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Winx Club.

Now let's move on to the other major glitch Rainbow has made this Season, and that has been putting all the focus on the Season's quest (Restore the Cores, Gather the 7 Primary Stars, and Destroy Valor). And they have forgotten that the Winx are teenagers and have normal problems, in addition to the obligation to save the world.

For example, in Season 1, the Winx escape from Alfea to help Stella with their Miss Magic contest, in another episode they escape to go to Cloud Tower and steal Solaria's ring from the Trix, after catching them, they are They are punished and clean the Alfea castle together with the boys, with whom they celebrate a party taking advantage of the fact that there is nobody in Alfea. In Season 2, they run away to go to a disco on Earth, where Musa and Layla get into trouble; In Season 3 they escape to go to Eracklyon because Bloom wants explanations from Sky, in another chapter they escape Andros while Stella covers their backs in Alfea ... They are teenagers, they are not always on missions, they also do mischief.

Regarding the love relationships I must say that they have been a COMPLETE ACHIEVEMENT, CONGRATULATIONS RAINBOW for the excellent work with the couples, especially with Flora and Helia. The moment they found something they disagreed on became SUPER UNEXPECTED and WE LOVED IT. THANKS!

Another aspect that has raised the level of Season 8, and we must be thankful, is that Rainbow, FINALLY, has made the script more adolescent, and not as childish as in Seasons 6 and 7.

In fact it has become so noticeable that 8x16 did not need a battle between the Winx and the Trix to become one of the BEST EPISODES of Season 8 along with 8x10. And that they present an adventure in a totally episodic way, the script is more mature, there is action, mystery, love relationships, and VERY EMOTIVE moments.

In fact, 8x16 is the PERFECT CHAPTER for having fought all the mistakes that have caused this Season 8 to fail. It is the only episode of the entire season that has done what led Winx to world fame ... CONTRAST.

Winx Club, triumphed in the first seasons for the fact that, in addition to presenting great battles, it presented a CONTRAST of characters with bright costumes and colorful wings on dark stages that no other series had provided to the public before. In fact the W.I.T.C.H. It failed, in part, for being TOO DARK. And Regal Academy failed, in part too, for being TOO COLORFUL AND CHILD. While Winx Club was attracting more and more fans with its characteristic CONTRAST, which later other magical girl series would adopt.

The problem has been that this contrast has ONLY been used in Episode 16 of this 8th Season when it should have been used throughout the SEASON.

WINX CLUB HAS HOPES! Season 8 has left many themes open such as Icy's past, the origin of the other Trixes, the shadows that spoke to Valor in 8x26 ...

In my opinion, Season 8 is AMAZING, and it would have caught millions of new fans if they hadn't made those mistakes. BUT THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN'T REMEDY! Rainbow only needs to negotiate with Italian TV channels to give them money for a Season 9 and do it with episodic missions, also focus on Winx antics as teenagers, and use that contrast again.

Once that is done, you should sell Winx Club again in other countries such as Spain, France, Portugal, and the United Kingdom among others, yes, you should try to sell ONLY TEMP 9, given that it will have remedied the mistakes made in Seasons 6, 7 and 8 and you can enjoy 2 GLOBAL SUCCESSES, Winx Club and 44 Cats.

Rainbow, the opportunity is in your hands. Thank you very much for all the content you have given us and you give us every day.

Thanks Iginio Straffi, Francesco Artibani, Joane Lee ... AND TO THE WHOLE TEAM!


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